1.Rape law in many countries used to be in the same category as property theft, committed by a man against another person.
2.Use the same category name for all of the choices that you want users to have for a particular building block.
3.The question is: Do you want to be placed in the same category as all the others who have bored her to tears?
4.Kennan's advice to his own country -- to begin unilateral disarmament -- belongs to the same category.
5.Some of these institutions - and you can put some of the big three automotive companies in the same category . . .
6.Displays custom text as link to the next post within the same category as the current post.
7.Austin, Texas, where semiconductor production has a strong footing, had a 22 percent gain in the same category of technology jobs.
8.MAVO and MBO have been officially classified in the same category of education known as VMBO or preparatory secondary vocational education.
9.Each page of your chart has the same category and series layout for different years, so the data for each year can be easily compared.
10.Now critics are lumping the Fed's policy, known as quantitative easing, into the same category.